We don’t just spray to reduce the number of adult mosquitoes, 90% of our abatement program is focused on larval control. This includes the use of fish that love to eat mosquito larvae. Click below to learn more about our larval control methods.
Treatment Schedule for Adult Mosquitoes
Aerial Treatment for Larval Mosquitoes (Aquatic stage)
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The Warren County Mosquito Commission works conscientiously to prevent populations of biting adult mosquitoes by focusing control during larval stages so that the mosquitoes will not make it to the adult stage. Occasionally however, the need arises in which use of an additional method of control targeting the adult biting mosquitoes, called adulticiding, is used. When adult mosquitoes are present, NO other type of control method performed by the Commission will work.
Hand cleaning of drainage structures takes place after leaves drop in the fall.
Many water management activities take place in the winter. Timing restrictions enforced by New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection based on trout streams, endangered and threatened species and/or high populations of sensitive species do not allow major water management projects to take place all year long. Many times there is only a small window of opportunity so working throughout the fall and winter are essential.
Lack of vegetation, the semi-frozen ground and less water at this time of the year are all benefits of performing water management work in the winter. Each of these factors allows for more precise work to be done at the site.